
Wizard of Odds Michael Shackleford's Blackjack

  Blackjack should need no introduction. I would hazard to say that it is the most popular o nline game casino table game in the world measured by number of players. I won't get into the rules because they are so widely known. If you need to review them, please see an explanation   here . One of the most frequent questions I get is " What casino table games have the best odds? " The answer is blackjack and craps. No other popular table games come close. With both of these games, it is easy to get the house edge under 1% and often under 0.5%, depending on the rules. However, few players enjoy that low house edge on blackjack because most of them play awful strategy. Studies have shown that for the average player, strategy errors increase the house edge by 2%. This article was created to help you easily become a sharp player and save you losing that extra 2% above the house edge at the tables. With just some simple rules of thumb in this article, you can cut the cost of er